Buenos Aires Province asked for consent to delay debt payment

After the Buenos Aires Province’s consent solicitation statement to delay the partial principal payment of the Buenos Aires 10,875% 2021 bond (NY Law) (ISIN No. XS0584497175 y XS0584493349) at the end of this month, Axel Kicillof, the province governor, said in a press confernce that the coupon will be país on the scheduled date, January 26th, (a total amount of USD 27 million), while the partial principal payment would be delayed to May 1st, if the consent solicitation reaches the required majorities of bondholders.


It is worth mentioning that the Province has a quite difficult maturities schedule in the first half of 2020, with monthly payments of USD 50 million up to next March. As a positive note, the only principal payment in this period is the Buenos 2021 bond.


